
Showing posts from February, 2009

Junior Frostbite Tennis Tourney

Mary and Ann participated in the Junior Frostbite this weekend. They didn't win, but they got some great experience and had some fun. Here are some photos, I couldn't use the flash, and we all know how steady my hand is.


I recently had to scan some photos into the computer. This is Mike. He's just so adorable!

60 and Sunny, but with a breeze

And, I managed to collect 8 pounds of dog poop. We are considering not feeding the dog. BWA HA HA HA HA! Got the ice off the driveway. Tomorrow's predicted high: 36. Sad Face.

55 and Sunny!

Finally, a beautiful, warm day, with hardly a breeze. On the way to school this morning, Chris slipped on the ice that is on our North facing driveway. He landed on his RIGHT arm. I took him to the doc and we had an xray and he didn't break his arm, but he did see the physical therapist, and got some exercises to do to help him straighten and bend his arm fully. I'm off to clean up dog poop. I put salt on the ice a few hours ago, maybe I can push it into the sun and it will melt and leave a thin layer of ice that will be even more dangerous than a thick layer! I love warm sunshine!